
Sparrow Bar: Enchanting Chicago Cocktail Bar on West Elm

Sparrow bar Chicago art by John Tebeau
Sparrow Bar art by John Tebeau

Sparrow Bar: a poem allegedly in the style of Chicago’s favorite bard Carl Sandburg, written after gently prompting, by ChatGPT. (Details like “accuracy,” “truth”, and “quality” are irrelevant here. What is relevant is the spirit of experimentation with this new technology. Relax!)

In the heart of Chicago’s bustling embrace,
Where streets throb with the city’s relentless pace,
Stands a haven named Sparrow on West Elm Street,
A cocktail bar where souls and spirits meet.

Oh, Sparrow bar! A respite from the urban storm,
Where dreams take flight and weary hearts transform.
In your dim-lit corners, a refuge is found,
Where mystique and allure twirl all around.

Through your doors, a portal to another sphere,
Where passion and longing intertwine, clear.
Like a symphony of flavors, concoctions divine,
Each sip tells stories, spirits intertwine.

The bartenders, maestros of liquid art,
Craft elixirs that stir both body and heart.
From their hands, libations take shape and form,
A blend of spirits, enchanting and warm.

In the air, the melodies of jazz and blues,
Whispered notes that chase away life’s bruise.
A dance of rhythms, painting the night’s sky,
As Sparrow’s soul soars, soaring high.

And there, upon Sparrow’s far wall,
An artist’s touch captures the bar’s enthrall.
John Tebeau, with his gifted hands and sight,
Breathes life into Sparrow, colors taking flight.

For those who seek Sparrow’s charm afar,
Tebeau’s signed prints, a glimpse of its memoir.
Find solace at, where art’s embrace,
Invites you to Sparrow’s enchanted space.

In Sparrow’s grandeur, stories intertwine,
Whispers of love and courage, tales sublime.
A sanctuary where souls find their retreat,
A cocktail bar, where life’s moments fleet.

Oh, Sparrow bar! In Chicago’s city embrace,
Your allure lingers, time can’t erase.
Forever, in hearts and memories kept,
A haven of grandeur, where dreams are swept.

Yeah, yeah, pretty words. You can get a byooteeful art print of Sparrow in my store here. Want an original drawing of your favorite place? Contact me here, or go to for more info about custom-made artwork.



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