
Voting is American. What are you, a commernist?

artprizebadgeAlong with over 1,200 other artists from around the world, I’m off to Grand Rapids, Michigan next week for ArtPrize, “the world’s largest art prize.” About half a million dollars in prize money (BOING) for the top ten vote-getters. And who gets to vote? You, The people. Der volk.

Vote? How?

First you register, then you go to any number of ArtPrize voting centers in Grand Rapids to activate your registration. Then, between Sept 23 and 30th, you vote for as many artists as you want (only one vote per artist, however). On October 1, the top 10 are announced, and between then and the 7th, you can vote for any one of those 10, which will determine the allocation of the prize money, from $250,000 (BOING) for #1 to $7,000 for #10.

So you can go here right now to register online. You can then vote online or via cell phone. There’s even an iPhone app. Yes, there’s an app for that. Of course there is.

See you there?

I’ll be at the Artists Reception on Thursday the 24th at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel from 6 to 10.

I’ll also be at the Ottawa Tavern (where my painting is hanging) for their reception on Friday the 25th from 6 to 10 as well. That’s at 151 Ottawa at Pearl in downtown GR.

The painting I’m showing is called “1978”, a nostalgic mash-up of things that got me off when I was a kid in A.D. 1978. Carter was in the White House, George W. Bush was harmlessly waking up every day in a puddle of his own sick, and a young John Belushi taught us how to imitate a zit with mashed potatoes.



I LOVE THIS ART from 78….I WAS JUST A STUPID KID!!!!!!! and loving it!!!!

Thanks for reminding me how wonderful it was! When is your next show?


I’ve got one going right now at Dizzy’s in Brooklyn, corner of Eighth Ave. and Ninth St!

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