My next art show opens November 2 in NYC’s East Village at the Adjacent to Life curatorial project on the sacred east wall of Ninth Street Espresso on 10th Street: 341 East 10th (at Avenue B) across from the equally sacred Tompkins Square Park.
Join us 7 to 9 pm, rain (probably) or shine (unlikely)! There WILL be refreshments.

This is a conceptual show (building on last year’s lauded exhibit) imagining a happier timeline, one that may or may not be out there right now, if we’re to fully explore the possibilities of the multiverse theory.
These are flea-market-found glimpses of a better past (logically implying a better present), which split from ours with a decidedly psychedelic bent starting shortly after World War II. A more widespread embrace of responsible, psychedelic therapy is how this timeline diverged from ours initially, and this led to all kinds of unexpected twists, mostly for the better. Do you wonder what a “turned-on” Ike would have been like? And what about his VP Nixon? Wonder no longer. Come fly with me. And Nixon.

and gets COOLER…

Cool enough to whup JFK in 1960, sparing him from… you know.
The artwork consists of 12 “artifacts” from this divergent timeline, showing us (cathartically, perhaps) what might have been if things had gone down differently. It will — the artist hopes — bubble with wit, imagination, humor, and, yes, positive vibes.
The show opens with a reception on Thursday November 2, from 7–19 pm at Adjacent to Life, a curatorial project of @markrothnyc, hosted by Ninth Street Espresso, 341 East 10th St., NYC.