
Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup: Day Eight of 30 Paintings in 30 Days (SOLD)

Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup

So, in doing this project of 30 paintings in 30 days, I’ve been asking people about their favorite chow. Favorite regional specialties, childhood food, comfort food, etc. COMFORT FOOD. This topic elicits some serious feedback, and one that’s cropped up a couple of times (and I have to agree on this one) is ye olde grilled cheese sandwich with hot tomato soup. One of the best comfort lunches ever, I’d say, so here’s my take on it. Click here to purchase.

I’m doing a painting each day this month. 30 paintings in 30 days. Being November, the Month of the Feast, the theme is Things We Love to Eat and Drink.

A painting a day, and yes, they’re for sale. And they’re affordable: $99, which includes free first-class shipping. You can buy them on my Etsy store by clicking here. Check this blog every day (or the Etsy store) to see the new painting du jour. Each one is 5″ by 7″ on sturdy illustration board; perfect for a standard size frame, or easy to matte for a larger one.

I’ll need some content, folks, so if you have any suggestions for good subjects, leave a comment or write to me at What would you like to see memorialized as art? What’s your favorite comfort food? Your most-loved childhood treat? The hometown food you miss most? If you moved away tomorrow, what local specialty would you long for? And, looking ahead, what other themes would you suggest?

Thanks to those of you who have contributed (among other things) US 31 Bar-B-Q, Italian Beef sandwiches (from Chicago… with hot peppers, I assume!), squash, Crystal hot sauce, a Lafayette Coney Island dog from Detroit and macaroni & cheese. What else ya got?

Thanks, too, to Michael Stern of for his mention here.

Tomorrow’s painting: what they feed babies in Georgia.

Yesterday’s painting: “Taylor Ham,” the pride of Jersey.



I love this one…that is certainly my idea of comfort food!

You can’t get much better than that, can you? I like it made with Velveeta, I kid you not. That, or a good cheddar.

Nov 21, 2009 • Posted by 30 Paintings in 30 Days « Eating The Road

[…] an emphasis on foods that have a strong regional or “homey” connotation like the “Comfort Lunch: Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup” or “Taylor Ham,” the pride of Jersey. Some of the others are pop corn, Tabasco, apple pie a […]

Thanks for the shout-out!

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