
Great Good Places of New Orleans: Erin Rose, Parasol’s and Molly’s at the Market. I Loves ‘Em.

Yes, to quote Ricky Gervais’s Derek, I loves ’em. Why? Because, of course, they’re GREAT and GOOD! More on that later. I’ve got the inking done on these three, with three more to come. Which three? Well, I have my ideas. If you have any, feel free to chime in, mate. Just remember: they have to be great AND good. Not great OR good. Not swell and fine. Great. AND. Good.

Here’s the inkwork. Colors coming soon. The plan is to show them around New Orleans In July during Tales of the Cocktail. Find a place to sell them. Suggestions welcome on that front, too.

Erin Rose by J. Tebeau © 2014
Erin Rose by J. Tebeau © 2014


Parasol's by J. Tebeau © 2014
Parasol’s by J. Tebeau © 2014


Molly's at the Market by J. Tebeau © 2014
Molly’s at the Market by J. Tebeau © 2014


"I Loves 'Em."
“I Loves ‘Em.”


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