
Go On… Shake Hands With a Childhood Idol.

This week I visited the studio of one of my all-time favorite cartoonists, Al Jaffee. He’s the fellow who did (and still does) the “fold-ins” on the inside back cover of Mad magazine. Not to mention “Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions” and countless other classic pieces. He was one of the ‘usual gang of idiots’ from way back.

He is a cool and gracious gent, and I’m glad I took the chance to make his acquaintance. We talked for a good long time. He showed me what he’s working on now and invited me to an upcoming book-signing. (Strand Books on Broadway near Union Square, April 14th, 7 p.m. BE THERE.)

I had with me a book of his collected works from Mad that I’ve owned since I was about 12 years old. He signed it. I left with a feeling of elation. Meeting a childhood idol, I’d reconnected with my adolescent self. And it was cool.

An Olde Fave
An Olde Fave
I smeared it immediately.
I smeared it immediately.

If you could meet one of your childhood heroes, who would it be? Do it. I highly recommend it.


Hi Louis!

Glad to read of your recent meeting with Al Jaffee.How cool!!! My childhood hero was Barbara Walters. I actually saw her in NYC walking down the street with a gentlemen friend. When I saw her, I made a huge gasp and started walking backwards so I could stare at her longer.

Thanks for the inspiration. Maybe I should try to actually meet her this time.

Way cool to meet Al Jaffee. I always loved those fold ins. I haven’t thought about Mad Mag in many years. I don’t think I had any childhood idols. Lucky you…Thanks for the email letting me know of your new (old) work.

Have a great weekend.

Amy: go on and contact her. She’s not going to be around forever, and I’m sure she’d enjoy meeting an engaging, intelligent, superb woman such as you. She would be honored to know she was your hero as a kid.

Coco: Thanks, and you have a great weekend, too!

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