
“Every Part But the Squeal”: Day 4 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days (SOLD)

"Every Part But the Squeal"

“Every Part But the Squeal” is inspired by an old roadside sign from Tennessee in the 1930s, along with that famous line from the Upton Sinclair book, The Jungle. The pig: source of pork, ham AND bacon. And, upon being informed that they all came from the same animal, Homer J. Simpson in bemused disbelief replied, “Heh heh heh. Ooh, yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.”

I’m doing a painting each day this month. 30 paintings in 30 days. Being November, the Month of the Feast, the theme is Things We Love to Eat and Drink.

A painting a day, and yes, they’re for sale. And they’re affordable: $99, which includes free first-class shipping. You can order on my Etsy store by clicking here. Check this blog every day (or the Etsy store) to see the new painting du jour. Each one will be 5″ by 7″ on sturdy illustration board.

I’ll need some content, folks, so if you have any suggestions for good subjects, leave a comment or write to me at What goodies would you like to see memorialized as art? What’s your favorite comfort food? Your most-loved childhood treat? The hometown food you miss most? If you moved away tomorrow, what local specialty would you long for? And, looking ahead, what other themes would you suggest?

Thanks to those of you who have contributed (among other things) a Krazy Jim’s Blimpy Burger, a grilled cheese sandwich & tomato soup, apple pie and ice cream, meatloaf, asparagus and red velvet cake. Keep ’em coming!

Thanks, too, to Michael Stern of for his mention here.

Tomorrow’s painting: The Spice of Life…. Y’all.

Yesterday’s painting: “Del’s Freakin’ Rocks.”

Del's Freakin Rocks


Like I said on Facebook, Orange Bûbs dude! If it’s a food theme, why not?

Hey, WordPress offers a “circonflex”!

They are weird, that’s why not.

Naw, kiddin. Maybe!

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