
A few pix of my New Orleans art show, currently at Two Boots Brooklyn (thru end of July)

I’m a place guy. I get attached to places, love them when I’m there, miss them when I’m gone. New Orleans is one of my favorites. The air feels good: humid and fertile and cleaner than most cities. The people are going at what to me is a sane speed — more of a pre-war pace, completely oblivious to the jet-age, let alone the space- or information-. Eating is legendary of course, and that being one of my favorite sports, I fit right in. I’ll eat for hours, given the chance. Colleen and I regularly outpace tables next to us at restaurants up north, seeing them turn two and sometimes three times before we leave. Here in NOLA, we’re right in the rhythm with the best of them.

So I’ve done my share of New Orleans inspired art, and a bunch of it is showing at Two Boots Brooklyn right now through the end of July. Here are a few pix. Join us for the closing party. (details TBA) In the meantime, get over to Park Slope and enjoy a leisurely, New Orleans style dinner with these babies:








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