
Setting Up for Tonight’s Show

On Sunday afternoon I put the paintings up on the walls at Verlaine for the show that opens tonight. Hope you can make it. We’ll be there from 6:00 to 9:00, with an open bar for the first hour. Folks, let me tell you: these people know how to make a cocktail. Colleen had a concoction made with cucumber and chili pepper infused vodkas and juices… mmmmm-WAH. Probably the best cocktail I’ve had in Manhattan in two years. Maybe three.

Lotta wall to fill here....
Lotta wall to fill here....
A couple new ones, here.
A couple new ones, here.
Annnnnd... one more!
Annnnnd... one more!

And tonight I’ll announce the winner of the “favorite musician” contest. Some lucky music lover will get an original portrait. Got quite a few responses, which you can see here. Thanks, folks. It was enlightening,  informative and moving to read your responses.

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