
Hero Paintings Inspire the Soul and Delight the Senses

It’s been said/sung that we don’t need another hero. Tell that to Joseph Campbell. His ghost, actually. Tell that to Joseph Campbell’s GHOST.

Heroes inspire us. They guide us. We can look up to them and say, “What would Fonzie do?” for instance. It’s good to have heroes around.

Here’s a painting I did for a guy who wanted to commemorate nine of his heroes on canvas. Influences might be a more accurate word in this case. Nine of ’em. That’s a lot. That’s a hell of a group. That’s a BUNCH. Hence, I arranged them like a bunch: the Brady Bunch. Why not?

[they are Jack Kerouac, Bill Cosby, Gene Roddenbury, George Carlin, the Dalai Lama, Mr. Rogers, George Harrison, John Lennon (from Yellow Submarine) and Hunter S. Thompson]

Here’s how the painting progressed:

Teedy-Bunch 1

Teedy-Bunch 1.1

Teedy-Bunch 1.2

Teedy-Bunch 2

Teedy-Bunch 3


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