
“Vintage Vernor’s”: Day 24 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days (SOLD)

"Vintage Vernor's" by J. Tebeau © 2009
“Vintage Vernor’s” by J. Tebeau © 2009

If you’re from the Detroit area in particular or Michigan in general, you may have an appreciation for Vernor’s, one of America’s great regional soft drinks. This spicy, hyper-bubbly barrel aged ginger ale has made Michigan kids sneeze for generations. Here’s a look at one of their vintage bottle, all hot-an’-spicy-like.

I’m doing a painting each day this month. 30 paintings in 30 days. Being November, the Month of the Feast, the theme is Things We Love to Eat and Drink.

A painting a day, and yes, they’re for sale. (except this one, which has already been sold) And they’re affordable: $99, which includes free first-class shipping. You can order on my Etsy store by clicking here. Check this blog every day (or the Etsy store) to see the new painting du jour. Each one will be 5″ by 7″ on sturdy illustration board.

I’ll need some content, folks, so if you have any suggestions for good subjects, leave a comment or write to me at What goodies would you like to see memorialized as art? What’s your favorite comfort food? Your most-loved childhood treat? The hometown food you miss most? If you moved away tomorrow, what local specialty would you long for? And, looking ahead, what other themes would you suggest?

Tip o’ the day: Check out The flow-charts alone are worth the trip.

Coming soon: Wisconsin’s Pride: cheese & summer sausage, a deconstructed Blimpy Burger, Cafe Du Monde beignets & café au lait, and a few holiday favorites.

Thanks, too, to Michael Stern of for his mention here.


Probably every Michigan kid remembers having Mom give you warm, flat Vernors for your upset tummy. Here, kid, your stomach hurts? This will set your nose hairs on fire so you’ll forget.

I just laughed out loud at the flow charts. If you want a holiday-week laugh:

And hey, JT, what happened to mac and cheese?? I thought mac and cheese was on the wish list?

So much to do, so much to do…. and what about Jell-O? There’s always room for it, so they say.

Mac and cheese is good, yes, but… lame visually. What about a regional noodle-based specialty like Skyline Chili?

Hey I just say this, weird…I posted a link to this on the Roadfood forums when you first put it up just because it was Vernor’s but I didn’t read further down 😛 Thanks John!

I don’t know if you saw this but I posted it last week:

I’m still rooting for the Its-It! Have a great Thanksgiving!

Synergy is good. Love your site. It’s a load of fun. I might have to come back to this theme for another 30 (or 31) days., due to so many great suggestions, including It’s It, Moon Pies, Twin Bing, Turkey Joints and Rocket Pops. And about 30 others! Stay tuned, stay tuned….

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